Hello all, As the board, we decided for the time being Sundays don't count against your four early signups. We want to build momentum for Sundays since they are back in the rotation and have been a little hit or miss. We are still working on the signup solutions and will meet again at the beginning of next month to discuss how this is going.
Here is a tip: when you have signed up early four times for the month, wait till the 24-hour mark to add yourself. If you are on the waitlist, the system will not contact you until someone cancels and you may get bumped back to the waitlist if it is too soon. For example, If you want to play on Friday and there are spots still open at 12:00 AM on Thursday morning that is when you want to add yourself to the class session.

There will be no social tennis Friday the 31st or Sunday the 2cd as we will be running and recovering from the HOT tournament

If you would like to Help out at the HOT tournament Click here to fill out a google form.
Love and ACES